The aim of Ruxley and Sidcup beekeepers is to promote and support the craft of keeping bees through education of the general public and of beekeepers, in the SE London and West Kent.

We are a division of the Kent Beekeeping Association, – Charity No: 222946 – and run entirely by volunteers. 

The access to our Ruxley Apiary is free of charge and we welcome all, whether our members, or not.

You can try handling our bees in one of our teaching apiaries, and see if you like the experience.

To get more information, please browse our site.


Paul Fisher: 07590 486464

Vice Chairman
David Rea : 07973 802 569

Branch Secretary
Lilian Oorthuysen-Dunne : 020 8301 2496

Rudy Repka : 01689 828062

Ruxley Apiary Managers
Tony Moore: 01322 434674
Phil Hanson: 07950 646622
Peter Jones: 020 8298 0611

Baldwyns Apirary Managers
Mike Hill : 020 8859 4990
Donna Hoy: 07958 688211

Colin Newton : 020 8301 0137

David Rea: 07973 802 569
Keith Dungate: 07909682080

General Enquiries